Welcome Shayne to the Skippers Team
11 August 2022

Welcome Shayne to the Skippers at Dundee Team

Skippers ad Dundee is sending out a big, warm welcome to Shayne who joins the Skippers at Dundee team as a tour guide extraordinaire and all-round great bloke! Shayne is no stranger to the Territory and though he has tried to leave he is always drawn back by a deep connection to the land and those who share it. Shayne loves nothing more than to share the magic of Dundee Beach with visitors and holiday makers so with this in mind, we’ve put together ‘’the-best-of’ tours and packages. Shayne’s happy place this week has been loading all his secret fishing spots from Dundee Beach into the brand new 16” Lowrance Sounder just installed on the Red Mullet. 😊

All you have to do is book our accommodation at Dundee Beach!

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