The Inspiration for Skippers
13 January 2025

Skippers at Dundee

There is a pace called Skippers at Dundee

There is a place called Skippers at Dundee

In faraway Australia’s Northern Territory

Built to remember the loss of a brother

The love of a family for him and each other

A seaside place of endless ocean views

Where sunset splashes its ever-changing hues

Where anglers adventure in waters rich with fish

And the days slow down allowing time to reminisce

Where far off horizons stretch out to distant lands

Where restless minds can wander to ponder other plans

Where adventures and walking and kicking off shoes

Are a tonic to the cycle of never-ending news

And life just slows down when you take a holiday

A beachfront place the ideal place to stay

But Skippers you see is not simply a place

It’s where one might go for the time and the space

To reflect and tell others what we hold in our heart

So we’ll never be alone even when we are apart

So take a Skippers moment as often as you like

To make sure others know how loved they are in life.

Cath Kelly

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