2 Events | 1 Day | 13th July 2024
15 January 2024

2 EVENTS |  1 DAY  |  13 July 2024

Event 1: Skippers Cotton Cup

Skippers at Dundee joins with Northern Cotton Growers to celebrate a blue-sky day of rugby (on 13 July 2024) followed by a sublime, evening event staged under starry skies with water views. Games kick off with NT and Qld over 35’s teams having a run with some mates and meeting new ones. It’s all about the spirit of participation and camaraderie.

The match highlight at day’s end will see Country Vs City in a highly competitive, preselection match for a representative NT jersey. It’s a festival of rugby with both inclusive participation and gripping competition. The perfect teaser before the starlit, waterfront dinner on the lawns of Mindil Beach Casino Resort.

Event 2: Cotton on the Green

Cotton on the Green (that evening) offers the chance to meet and greet in a relaxed setting for a social, agri-business event that recognizes the uptake of cotton growing in the Territory. Take a moment with your cohort to acknowledge this point in time, share successes and challenges, swap stories, meet a mentor or simply relax on the lawns with cool sea breezes as the sun sets across sky and water.

Typically, there’s junctures when a new entrant arrives on the agri-business scene. The point when trials take off. The ‘kaboom’ moment when the tentative starter becomes the one-to-watch. Only time will tell if that moment is now but if interest and uptake are anything to go by it’s certainly looking good for cotton in the Territory.

It’s exciting to see the progress of cotton as the newest arrival on the ag scene. There’s no doubt it’s attracting attention. Cotton on the Green celebrates the good news stories, change for the better, thinking green and the environmental stewardship around evolving farming practice. A lively discussion panel will give insights into the state of play for cotton in the Top End and further afield. 

Growers are getting on board, associated businesses are getting behind them and momentum is building. It’s a pivotal point in cotton farming in the NT. Gather to raise a glass in acknowledgement of efforts. Kick back and mark this moment in time. Come together to network or celebrate (or both!) at Cotton on the Green.

Cotton is catching on in the Territory. There’s good things happening and it’s time to spread the good news . . . it’s time for Cotton on the Green.

Partner with us

It’s the incredible support of our sponsors and Northern Cotton Growers that make our 2024 events possible. All sponsors from platinum to bronze and all those in between enjoy opportunities to form new alliances as well as new friends. A broad range of Australian owned and operated businesses will be represented at Skippers Cotton Cup and Cotton on the Green.


We are thrilled to make a donation to Northern Cotton Growers Inc. which will be returned to the agricultural sector for further education and community development. This donation will be presented to Northern Cotton Growers during the evening event.

Partner with Skippers at Dundee for this event to get among the fantastic networking opportunities. A range of sponsorship packages are available to suit every level of support. 

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